Goldilocks principle
We all know the story of Goldilocks right?
Goldlocks and the three bears? The principle comes out of this story. A young girl named ‘Goldilocks’ wanders into the house of the three bears and finds three bowls of porridge. She tastes them all and finds that the one on the left is far too hot. The one on the right is just too cold. The one in the middle however - is JUST right.
How does this apply to your fundraising? I guarantee you’ve seen this principle in action before.
An isolated section from a reply form with the gift array.
This is one of those tactics you don’t need to do ALL OF THE TIME but when you do it - you will often find that your donors will actually check the middle number.
A coaching client of mine told me that they did this on a recent reply form and found that 60% (that’s not a typo) of the reply forms came back with the middle box checked.
Direct response, direct mail, direct marketing… whatever you want to call it… you can’t sleep walk your way through this stuff gang.
I joke (don’t joke) how I lay at night obsessing over this stuff. This simple little tactic can have make a MONUMENTAL difference in your results.
If you want to talk about the other 999 tips, tricks and tactics that can significantly help you raise more money, we have some room in our coaching program to talk to you about it.